“This loaf has a moist texture and rich cocoa flavour, you won’t even miss the flour!”
how to make it
Preheat oven to 350F.
Blend wet ingredients in a blender or with hand held food processor.
Mix in sugars, eggs, and vanilla.
In a small bowl combined dry ingredients. Fold into wet with spatula, scrapping sides as you go.
Mix in chocolate chips.
Spread into 2 greased mini pans, or 1 regular sized pan.
Warm up natural peanut butter in microwave (if required), and drizzle over loaves. Swirl in with a knife, and top with a few more chocolate chips.
Bake for 35 - 40 minutes for mini loaves (45-55 min large).
Let cool before removing from pan and serving.
what you’ll need
Wet Ingredients
2 Ripe bananas
2 Tbsp Skyr
2 Tbsp avocado
1/4 Cup peanut butter
2 Tbsp coconut sugar
2 Tbsp munk fruit sweetner
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
Dry Ingredients
2 Cups almond flour
1/2 Cup Cocoa Powder
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/3 Cup Chocolate Chips
+3 Tbsp Peanut Butter for drizzling